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Yoga Alliance NEPAL

We are an independent review board of Yoga academics and experts who have joined together to revaluate yoga teachings and principles taught here in Nepal and worldwide.

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About Us

Yoga is very important in our daily life. Yoga creates calm and peace in both body and mind. It makes us able to live a disease-free life. It makes us stress-free. The work of connecting the mind and the brain is also possible through yoga. This era is getting busier and busier daily. Today every person suffers physically and mentally. Yoga is beneficial for both children and the elderly. If a person is healthy, he can do any task in life with ease. Every creature follows the rule of nature but we as humans are the only creature who acts against it. Thousands of years ago, sages discovered the secre......



The Government of Nepal has given us an exemption to do the following:

1) To conduct classes on various subjects like yoga, meditation, pranayama, exercise, prayer to keep human life healthy and fit with the approval of the concerned body.

2) To conduct camps at various places to give lectures on various topics like yoga, meditation, pranayama, exercise, prayer and to impart necessary knowledge and training in this regard.


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By following the basic tenets of yoga science to reach the roots and find knowledge about Yama, rules, asanas, pranayama, perception meditation, and samadhi, and help the world learn the art of living a healthy and happy life by increasing the relationship with Ayurveda and nature.

Education Structure and Credential

In the beginning, there was only one Veda. It was meticulously detail-oriented, complex and complicated in a sense that it was not understandable to a normal human being having average intelligence quotient. To simplify this complexity, the original Veda was divided into four parts.  One hymn of the SriMad Bhagawat Gita supports this claim. In that sacred text Veda, there were thousands of recensions, hymns, Mantra-sanhita or treaties.    For this complexity and other reasons it can be reasonably guessed that the Veda was not written or crafted by a certain person a...

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Exploring Yoga Alliance Nepal

Connected with the way of life

Yoga and meditation are words deeply entrenched in Nepalese psyche; they are connected with the way of life, not merely an oratory phonetics. Nepal is...

Jan 1, 2022

Why yoga in Nepal

Geographically Nepal is the most pristine place on the Earth. Out of ten highest mountains on the earth, Nepal has eight highest mountains, includin...

Jan 1, 2022

Divine knowledge of the Veda

Nepal is the most ancient community in the Asian continent, perhaps in the planet Earth. Many other civilizations claim differently, however, more res...

Dec 29, 2021

Nepal one of the peace country

Historically Nepal as a word refers to the sacred land in the lap of the Himalayas. In the ancient time there was a saint named “NE”,&nbsp...

Dec 29, 2021

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